Classic Hot Yoga in Bozeman

  • Classic hot yoga / Bikram yoga class in Bozeman

    Classic Hot Yoga

    At Bend Beyond we offer four Classic Hot Yoga classes consisting of postures from the Bishnu Ghosh lineage, as well as a wonderfully complementary gentle yoga class. The BEND 60 and BEND 90 classes are for everyone! As Bishnu Ghosh said, “It’s never too late, you’re never too old, you’re never too sick, to start again from scratch.” The BEYOND 60 and BEYOND 90 classes are an opportunity to further explore the Self through a deeper asana practice. Anyone with 2 or more BEND classes under their belt (or experience in other yoga classes) is welcome at our BEYOND classes. The GENTLE BEND class is for all ages and experience levels and is a great way to relax and recover. Come in and bend and sweat with us for 60 or 90 minutes, and we promise you will leave feeling better than you ever imagined!

  • Hot Yoga class in Bozeman

    BEND 90 CLASS (90 minutes)

    BEND 90 is your Classic 26/2 Hot Yoga (Bikram Method) beginning yoga class suitable for students of all levels ages 12 and up. Nothing about the class is haphazard. The series includes twenty-six asanas (postures) and two pranayamas (breathing exercises) and is designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the order in which they should be stretched. To hop into Cobra Pose, for instance, without having prepared the necessary muscles, could have the same unhappy results as doing an over-hasty back flip. Following the prescribed order keeps you safe as you systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as Nature intended. Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well-being will automatically follow. Beyond physical well-being, the series cultivates self-control, determination, concentration, and patience, enhancing mental health and relieving stress. To receive all these benefits, simply show up, try the postures the right way, and give it your best effort. For more information on each of the twenty-six poses and the two breathing exercises click here

  • Hot Yoga class at Bend Beyond in Bozeman


    This intelligent 60-minute hot yoga class moves through a series of Ghosh Yoga postures with both tempo and flow. All levels welcome!

  • 90 minute hot yoga class in Bozeman, MT

    BEYOND 90 Class (90 minutes)

    BEYOND 90 is a challenging and fun class that provides space for you to go deeper into your yoga practice. The series includes all twenty-six asanas from the beginning series plus about fourteen more asanas, the "Core 40" asanas from the Ghosh lineage, including more hip openers and arm balances, an abdominal strengthening series, and more pranayamas. BEYOND 90 is a wonderful complement to the beginning series, and will help you bring more awareness to your alignment, weight distribution, breath control, and stillness. Join us to build a strong body and quiet mind.

  • 60 Min Hot Yoga class in Bozeman

    BEYOND 60 Class (60 minutes)

    This challenging, fun, & faster-paced 60-minute class adds salutations, hip openers, arm balances, & deeper stretching poses to our Bend 60 class.

  • Gentle Hot Yoga class in Bozeman

    GENTLE BEND Class (75 minutes)

    This 75-minute gentle yoga class is a practice that allows for a slowing down and opening of your body through passive stretching and unhurried movement in our wonderful heated (warm rather than hot for this class) room. During a gentle yoga class the asanas (postures) move slowly providing you the opportunity to explore your body and your breath. Asanas also are held for long periods of time to allow your muscles to relax deeply and your breathe to also deepen and soften. Gentle yoga classes are a great complement to our regular yoga classes and hot pilates classes at Bend Beyond. They are an excellent antidote to stress and a way to enjoy long meditative stretches. Gentle Bend is open to all ages and physical capabilities.