Inferno Hot Pilates in Bozeman

The HOTTEST new workout in Bozeman, Inferno Hot Pilates is a fun, challenging, full body, high intensity, low impact workout using Pilates principles.

Performed on a yoga mat & towel in a slightly heated room with energetic music, Hot Pilates is an amazing workout that strengthens muscles and burns fat without the pounding of a high impact workout. It is designed for all fitness levels. Inferno Hot Pilates is included with your Bend Beyond membership and is the perfect compliment to Classic Hot Yoga! Online sign-up is strongly encouraged for Inferno Hot Pilates classes, as many classes reach capacity. Sign-up now!

Inferno hot pilates class at Bend Beyond in Bozeman

Burn. transform. love.

  • Inferno Hot Pilates is a train­ing sys­tem which com­bines Pilates prin­ci­ples with high inten­sity inter­val train­ing and is per­formed in a heated room.

  • Inferno Hot Pilates cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a stronger core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is
    per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.

  • Inferno Hot Pilates com­bines car­dio and mus­cle ton­ing in a heated room. The high inten­sity inter­val train­ing keeps your heart rate up, help­ing you burn fat. The Pilates
    prin­ci­ples sculpt your body, cre­at­ing long lean mus­cle mass. The heat loosens up the mus­cles quickly, and the humid­ity makes you sweat — ele­vat­ing your heart rate, boost­ing metab­o­lism, and pro­mot­ing detoxification.

  • All you have to bring is 1) a yoga mat, 2) two towels, 3) a water bottle, and 4) YOU! We offer an awesome intro­ package, 30 days unlimited for $30, for new stu­dents who want to try it out and have monthly mem­ber­ships for those who wish to make Inferno Hot Pilates their reg­u­lar practice. Get started now!

The Inferno difference

Inferno Hot Pilates was developed by Gabriella Walters in 2009. In 2012, Gabi opened the first dedicated Hot Pilates studio in Las Vegas. She has since then helped start successful Hot Pilates programs all over the US and Europe. Her experience is second to none and she is considered the leading expert in Hot Pilates. All of our Inferno instructors at Bend Beyond have completed Gabi's teacher training.