Memberhip Details
Beyond FLEX Membership
Recurring Cost
$USD 139/4 weeks
$USD 59 (for new students only, thereafter $USD 139/4 weeks)
In-studio classes and Bend At Home VOD classes.
4 weeks, automatically
Suspension with prior notice permissible at no charge. Suspensions must be for a minimum of 3 weeks and max 8 weeks per calendar year. At least 5 days written notice via form linked in website footer is required. Suspension requests received with less than 5 days notice will not take effect until 5 days from the notice date.
Additional emergency holds are subject to a $35 administrative fee.
Self cancellation is required. Click the link in the footer of our website and follow the directions. Your membership is your responsibility. Payments are non-refundable. Self cancel a minimum of 24 hours BEFORE your next payment. If you cancel on your payment day, your payment will run and you will have 4 more weeks to enjoy classes before your membership terminates.
Beyond COMMIT Membership
Recurring Cost
$USD 119/4 weeks
$USD 59 (for new students only, thereafter $USD 119/4 weeks)
In-studio classes and Bend At Home VOD classes.
4 weeks, automatically
One year contract. After one year membership automatically renews for another year unless self cancelled by you a minimum of 7 days before your renewal date.
Suspension with prior notice permissible at no charge. Suspensions must be for a minimum of 3 weeks and max 8 weeks per calendar year. At least 5 days written notice via form linked in website footer is required. Suspension requests received with less than 5 days notice will not take effect until 5 days from the notice date.
Additional emergency holds are subject to a $35 administrative fee.
This is a one year contract. Self cancellation is required after the 13th payment if you do not want to automatically renew for another year term. Click the link in the footer of our website and follow the directions. Your membership is your responsibility. Payments are non-refundable. Self cancel a minimum of 7 days BEFORE your contract renews.
$USD 79
Four in-studio classes and unlimited Bend At Home VOD classes.
4 weeks, automatically (Unused classes do NOT rollover.)
No suspensions.
Self cancellation is required. Click the link in the footer of our website and follow the directions. Your membership is your responsibility. Payments are non-refundable. Self cancel a minimum of 24 hours BEFORE your next payment. If you cancel on your payment day, your payment will run and you will have 4 more weeks to enjoy classes before your membership terminates.
10 Class Card
$USD 249
Can be used for in-studio classes.
Expires 6 months from purchase date, no extensions.
Does not renew.
No suspensions.